Training / Licensing of an Instrument Rating
The best way to improve your flight safety and increase your piloting capabilities.
The choice of an adequate training organisation and the appropriate training course according to the latest European training regulations is not that simple. Because of the variety of different ratings and training concepts you should obtain a thorough consultation in advance.
In Germany, the licensing for a instrument rating is only done by Approved Training Organisations (ATOs), that have been certified by the Federal Aviation Authority. Avoid unpleasant surprises by choosing a qualified and Approved Training Organisation for your training and examination. With the MFA you will get your training, examination and licensing – i.e. your total qualification from a single source, avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy and efforts in organisation !
Reasonably, training for an instrument rating is started with an IR / Module A (no theory lessons, 10 h training course), or an EIR (complete theory course, 15 h training course). We offer you a thorough consultation, contact us as soon as you intent acquiring an instrument rating, we will find the best suitable and most cost efficient solution for you !
Start of Training: Possible Anytime
1. Steps for Private Instrument Rating: EIR
In NUR! 15 h Flugausbildung bei MFA zur vollwertigen Instrumentenflug – Berechtigung (enroute IR) (mit Lizenzeintrag keine JET/Verfahren !):
2. Steps for private Instrument Rating Training: CB-IR
nachdem Sie mit Ihrer EIR Instrumentenflugberechtigung auf privaten Flügen entsprechende Instrumentenflugerfahrung gesammelt haben, welche auf die verbleibende Ausbildung angerechnet werden kann ! kommt der abschließende Ausbildungsabschnitt in der privaten Instrumentenflugausbildung, damit haben Sie Ihr Ziel erreicht !:
Alternative: in one Step from PPL to CB-IR Authorization:
Alternative: in one Step from PPL to CB-IR Authorization:
Instrument Rating Training / Examination – From A Single Source
The MFA is certified by the German Federal Aviation Authority to conduct training courses and examinations for the acquisition, renewal or extension of an instrument rating for single-engine and multi-engine airplanes. Therefor the MFA operates a flight simulator at the heart of Munich, which certified for the instrument flight training by the German Federal Aviation Authority.
Instrument Rating Training / Examination – From A Single Source
Caution! our Flight Simulator with Original GNS430 approved by LBA u.a. for Instrument Rating (FNPT II !) located in Munich City – U- Bahn, saves time and cost with effective learning progress!
Steps for Commercial Instrument Rating Training (ATPL):
Wir bieten Ihnen die Durchführung der gewerblichen Instrumentenflugausbildung in verschiedenen Möglichkeiten jeweils optimiert auf Ihre Erfordernisse an. Wir empfehlen mit dem Modul A zu starten, anschließend erwerben Sie die IR-SE und erweitern diese dann auf die IR für mehrmotorige Flugzeuge. Gerne finden wir mit Ihnen den für Sie besten Weg.